About Us

Who we are

We focus on Africentric writings and how they impact African people on the African continent and in the Diaspora.

We aim at bringing to the fore the many untold stories that enrich African lives; stories that have a bearing on Africans and their contribution to the global village.

If you have written an African-related story, the chance is that we can publish it. It could be a play, poetry, drama, novel or any such form of artistic creation that captures imagination, entertains and teaches a lesson. What we offer is insightful guidance in the writing process, editing and (eventually) publication.

We also welcome works in form of memoirs, research findings, academic paper collections, text books for schools or any such works.

Our Vision

To inspire the art of knowledge capture, recording and transmission and be the preferred and best of breed publisher in the world of “Untold Stories”.

Our Mission

We have a mission to provide publishing services for Untold Stories from a varied range of writers, teachers, researchers and many others. We aim at capturing, recording, storing and transmitting their knowledge for future generations.
Our focus is on Africans on the continent and in the Diaspora with a view to enabling them to tell stories in their own perspective; in their own voices.
We are committed to continual assessment of our client and readership needs so as to ensure there is alignment with our core values, aspirations and service to meet these needs.
As a learning institution we continually assess our focus to ensure improvements that best serves our clients, readership and the wider society.

Core Values

Because we care. We also understand the challenges of getting published as an African. Despite the richness of the continent and its Diaspora, published works relating to the continent remain small relative to the size and population of the continent, its history and cultural and linguistic diversity.


We will aim at creating the best products in our “space” in the market, aided by continuous innovation in our strategy, processes and procedures.


We are committed to the independence and freedom of expression to assure integrity and credibility and thus engender public trust and respect.


We will continually adapt to changing circumstances to suit the times, whether in use of technology, language or modes of expression that support story telling in line with our mission.

Diversity of thought and Ideas

Diversity is strength and hence we are committed to publishing diverse works that reflect the breadth and depth of ideas in society and the constituency that we serve.

Risk Taking

We will explore new ideas, even those considered risky, that have synergy with our mission. We will accept innovative pieces of work that promise substantive contribution to knowledge that would be left for posterity.


We hold primary responsibility to society, our clients and readers; past, present and future. We are guided the interdependent nature of society with clear understanding that today’s conduct and event will be tomorrow’s history and a source of lessons for future generations.

Teamwork & Partnership

Working with our clients, we will foster the team spirit that would assure mutual growth, success and benefits thereof.

Integrity, Ethical Conduct & Honesty

We will perform services guided by ethical conduct, honesty and truthfulness.

Fairness and Respect

We will conduct our business based on fairness and respect to our clients, readers and wider society.

What Our Authors Say