Larissa Cairncross

Larissa Cairncross

Larissa Cairncross has worked since the 1980s as a researcher and consultant on equity, diversity, and anti-oppression projects in Toronto. Her experience in the South African anti-apartheid movement and work as part of a community-based research team contributed to the creation of the first African-centred service agency in Toronto, the African Training and Employment Centre.  From 1989-1993 she was executive director of the agency as it became a key resource for the support and development of the expanding African communities in Toronto.  As a consultant she developed a variety of training programs and materials for local and provincial government departments including The Cultural Interpreter Training Manual.  She has an undergraduate degree in English literature and political science from the University of Toronto’s Victoria University, and an MI (Master of Information) from the UT Faculty of Information school (2012).

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Books By Larissa Cairncross