Mucii ni Mucii , written in Gikuyu one of Kenya’s indigenous languages, is a moving story of a peasant girl who defies odds in her childhood to become one of the most prosperous people in the country. Starting in a background of biting poverty and an abusive father, Wahito drops out of school after her primary education and gets a low paying job after another.
Meanwhile, evil clouds are hanging over her horizons. In her youthful naïveté, she lets of the man who truly loves her and falls into the old trap of being lured by a “use and dump” type who has loads of cash to spend. In the most confused phase, her young life takes a downturn after that; and she moves from one crisis to another, including being orphaned while still a single mother.
But fate has other plans for her. She ends up with the man who was destined to be her soul mate. Together, they traverse a terrain full of many risks and barriers to realize the dreams of their lives. Through providence or destiny, it seems Wahito’s life is forever intertwined with those of her girl friends. The story has a gripping climax with a lot of the unexpected happening.
In the end, all (of almost all) the pieces of Wahitos’ chequered life fall into place and she seems to lead an exciting, happy prosperous life. But then, one never knows what happens next in Wahito’s life.
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