If God declared all things into existence and not by chance, then you have no need to expect to get to any single destination by any chance or by accident. Accidents don’t bring things into existence in an environment created by God, not by mistake.
Any journey, anytime, anywhere, has a destination to somewhere. God, who created every place and promised us a place better than here (John 14:1-3), does not call us to anywhere or to nowhere but to somewhere – that is how the journey to salvation goes.
And for anyone to get to the right destination, then they must make sure that God only must be the Master-Guide, He is indeed. He is He who solves our problems and accomplishes what He pleases through His only begotten Son Christ Jesus, through whom we have the faith and the hope of our salvation – which is the greatest achievement in the entire history of the universe.
Jesus is not simply a friend, but He is our only best friend loving us unconditionally. And we are His heroes when we do what He wants us to do.
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