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Nsemia Inc. Publishers

In Undeterred: A Rural Boy’s Journey to the Pinnacle of Academia, Prof. John Akama presents his unique and very personal story. This is unlike most of his contemporaries who have chosen not, or have yet, to document their personal experiences.

The work is an insightful exposé of his distinctive life as an academic and community leader in Africa. It shows that, in life, taking a strategic path of positive thinking, commitment, and hard work can lead to success and eventual achievement of cherished dreams and aspirations; even against all odds that may stand in the way.

Prof. Akama grew up in a simple rural African setting in Kenya’s hinterland and was raised by a typical Kenyan peasant family with meagre resources and limited frills. He went through early childhood enculturation and basic education in rural Kenyan schools, characterized by limited educational resources, scant infrastructure, and minimal facilities.

Through high school and university, his path was characterized by daunting challenges and setbacks. Being one who does not give up easily, and notwithstanding the many odds encountered, he managed to succeed in several fronts to get to the pinnacle of academia and university leadership. Prof. Akama’s discourse is a vivid testimony that all of us, as human beings, are capable of overcoming many life challenges that come our way, if we are guided by principles of determination, selflessness, focus, commitment, and hard work.

What others say

“Books like this have great value for historians and others interested in the everyday experiences of people, no matter where in Kenya they were born or reside. Such books help to build a national history and consciousness as each individual story helps to create a better understanding of the whole.” – Robert M. Maxon, Emeritus Professor of African History, West Virginia University.

“The history recap makes it interesting. The story successfully links Prof. Akama’s life to the current happenings in Kenya, the African continent, and overseas. It is not linear in the traditional sense of biographies but a mash-up of significant events through time.” – Sally Boyani, Journalist & Book Editor.

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