This is a gripping political story featuring two tribes; the Bandalo and Waleki communities in the wake of a political turmoil in a young African country. When Adena, a young woman who works her way through formal schooling and Munara, a police officer of high moral standing meet and fall in love, theirs is a thrilling love story. Amidst fights, lootings and violence, their worlds are fused into one.
From two opposing ethnic communities, a glaring age gap, an intimidating class difference; can love withstand the political tension? Can their story bridge the ethnic differences between their respective communities? Can it cure the country from chaos?
What Others Say
“There is vitality in this story and light drama. The sense of danger builds in a satisfying way…You alternate between serious political situation and deep romantic suspense……you have pumped the work with the art of romance and liberally used extra linguistic features to consolidate your mastery of the art of seduction.” – Stanley Irura, Book Reviewer
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