The collapse of the Berlin Wall on 9 November 1989 marked the beginning of multi-party politics in many parts of the Third World. The same also held true for African countries. The political landscape changed. In Kenya, the early 1990s were years of ethnic cleansing through arson, land clashes, evictions, forcible displacement, and murder of members of communities then perceived to be sympathetic to the opposition. What happened to those years’ children continues to live in the collective memory of today’s adult Kenyans.
Crossing the Border is a novella which captures that moment in Kenya’s history. It fictionalises the experiences of a schoolboy in a tiny village called Odiya, situated at the border between Kenya’s Nyanza and Rift Valley provinces, near the small town of Songhor, in early 1992.
Not only does the story record the sadness of those years, it also focuses on proper education as an important agent for national awareness, human compassion, and communal reconciliation especially in the case of children and young citizens. The book is dedicated to all child victims of political violence anywhere in the world, but more so in Africa, where similar evils are still regularly planned and executed by governments in power.
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